Eileen Pickering is an experienced Primary School teacher with increasing outdoor education specialisms; bringing history to life outdoors on location. Researching, writing and delivering CfE educational experiences for schools. Delivering Forest School activities for every class in her primary school each week for the past 2 years. Currently in ‘Forest School Practitioner’ training.
Roger Pickering studied at the Scottish School for Social Entrepreneurs to attempt to establish a ‘Fife Pilgrim Way’ themed walking route to help regenerate the region, creating leisure and tourism jobs. This succeeded by drawing in many partners and the Fife Coast and Countryside Trust to lead on delivering the project. FP was a member of the steering group from the inception. During the HLF delivery phase FP ran the community and schools engagement journeys. FP continues as a partner.
Another FP director Uli Hudak is a lecturer at Fife College. His background in Social Science combines with years of running a landscaping business. He has a wealth of experience in employability training through his business and his teaching at college, working with young people on practical community regeneration projects.
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